
Gerardo Rodriguez

How I got started with Photography

It all began with a pentax k1000 and a 50mm lenses I bought off of eBay to use for a photography class I enrolled in at a community college. We were taught how to develop film, and print to photo paper using darkroom techniques. I immediately fell in love with the process and continued to shoot film for a short while afterwards. The lack of available dark rooms, and closing of the local camera store where I would buy my film led a period where I didn't shoot until I purchased my first DSLR.

I was serving in the Marine Corps, as a field artilleryman, and my unit was sent to Okinawa, Japan for 6 months. While in Japan, I purchased my first DSLR to pick up my photography hobby where I had left off, and document my time spent in another country. Every chance I had to go out and explore the island, I had my camera next to me. Photography allowed me to capture how I viewed the world, and also forces me to slow-down and take in everything around me when searching for new perspectives.